About - CarlBarringer.com
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About Carl

I am a multi-industry, multi-disciplinary leader who has improved performance in a number of businesses as a manager and as a consultant

My biography

Throughout my career, I have brought passion, thoughtfulness and innovation to every initiative I have been involved in. Specializing in leadership, organizational transformation, team performance and personal growth, I work with my clients so they see new ways of getting things done. Their results are more powerful and efficient and their lives are more pleasurable and fulfilling.

Before I became an executive, team and personal coach, I created, ran and sold several companies including RadioWare, which helped to put MTV and VH1 on the air. Additionally, I spent more than a decade as an information executive at a top research firm.

I have been empowering successful leaders, individuals and teams for two decades. My early career experiences combined with my personal search for what works in my life in total, have uniquely qualified me to guide others in their personal and professional transformation.

I hold my MCC (Master Certified Coach) certification from the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and am a Past President of the ICF Philadelphia Chapter.

Mission statement

My mission is to work with people so that they improve their personal and professional lives. I use a seven-step developmental coaching model to support you in making your life more rich and satisfying. You will feel and perform better. This is a presence-based approach that encourages you to face what it is inside that is limiting. I help you solve problems and create solutions in ways that you, up until now, thought were impossible or “not for you.” This relationship will help you see outside your current worldview. This is where all possibility lies.